Leader's Message



Tritunggal Christian Elementary School prepares students for the future to excel at learning whole for becoming global thinkers, developing strong Christian leaders, and having a strong sense of family and community. Our vision for the students is to enable them to grow towards becoming Christ-centered leaders.


Our Curriculum



Tritunggal Christian Elementary School adopts and adapts international approaches when conveying the Indonesian National Curriculum (K2013/Kurikulum Merdeka) and we focus on a variety of exciting, innovative, and effective teaching methods to maximize our students’ potential, talents, and skills.





Ensemble/ Music



Coding Animation

Seni Suara

Seni Rupa





Modern Dance

English Club


Meet Our Teachers



What People Say



Keep in Touch


Contact Us

Karisma Manesia Oktavia, S.Pd.

Grade 1 Teacher

Teaching students reminds me of a farmer who faithfully takes care of the plants for months until harvest time. The process is worth the wait. As a teacher, we planted the seed, and God has been making it grow. Living the love of God, patience, and praying is the key to teaching and guiding them faithfully.

Dhany Kristanto, M.A., M.Pd.

Grade 3 Teacher

Being passionate is something I strive for every day. Bringing this positive energy always comes up in my mind. Every day is a new day  for me, as well as for everyone in Tritunggal , especially for my students. Helping my students to know Jesus is my calling and Tritunggal is the place to make it happen.

Leonard Felix Therik, S.Pd.

Grade 6 Teacher

Tritunggal Christian School has given me a chance to leverage my skills in teaching. The school’s core values; love, respect, discipline, and integrity resonate with the teachers’ ways in delivering lessons. In my teaching journey, I always steer the ship back to my why, to the reason why God has put me here.

Maria Rosette Ong, BS. Ed.

Science Teacher

There are many challenges associated with teaching during a pandemic, but as Christian educators, we should approach these difficulties in a different way. We can trust that Christ is with us and that His power is working through us, so we can rest in His assurance that His Spirit is bearing fruit in our lives.


Mari bersama Sekolah Kristen Tritunggal mempersiapkan pendidikan yang terbaik untuk putra-putri kita dengan memberikan ekosistem pendidikan Kristen yang berkualitas.

Silakan mengisi form berikut untuk mendapatkan informasi Trial Class dan Test Masuk.