The pride we have for the achievement of these students is great but greater is the adoration we have of the God who has blessed them with such skills and competencies.

Achieving 9 out of 9 in the 2023 June series IGCSE examination for Mathematics A.
⭐ Jessica Erbarmen Wirawan (Sec XI)

A in the 2023 June series As Level Examination for Mathematics.
⭐ Fernando Salim (Sec XII)
⭐ Kevin Nelson Gunawan (Sec XII)
⭐ Yefta Theodore Wangsarahardja (Sec XII)


Mari bersama Sekolah Kristen Tritunggal mempersiapkan pendidikan yang terbaik untuk putra-putri kita dengan memberikan ekosistem pendidikan Kristen yang berkualitas.

Silakan mengisi form berikut untuk mendapatkan informasi Trial Class dan Test Masuk.